中国科学院物理研究所“特聘研究员”,博士生导师。安徽怀宁人。2007年8月进入中国科学技术大学少年班系零零班学习,并在2011年9月获得学士学位。2016年7月在中国科学院物理研究所获得物理博士学位(导师:陈澍研究员)。2016年9月赴德州大学达拉斯分校从事博士后研究(合作导师:Chuanwei Zhang教授),2018年9月-2021年8月年于匹兹堡大学(合作导师:W. Vincent Liu教授)和乔治梅森大学(合作导师:Erhai Zhao教授)从事博士后研究。2021年9月加入中国科学院物理研究所。曾获得国家海外高层次人才引进青年项目、中国科学院引进国外人才计划项目。
1. 非厄米和开放量子体系中的非平衡动力学
2. 周期/准周期驱动体系中的新奇物态与动力学
4. 动力学量子相变理论
5. 拓扑物质态及其AMO量子模拟
1. Zeyu Xing, Shu Chen, and Haiping Hu*, Universal Spreading Dynamics in Quasiperiodic Non-Hermitian Systems, arXiv:2412.01301
2. Yuncheng Xiong, Zeyu Xing, Haiping Hu*, Non-Hermitian skin effect in arbitrary dimensions: non-Bloch band theory and classification, arXiv:2407.01296
3. Cui-Xian Guo, Luhong Su, Yongliang Wang, Li Li, Jinzhe Wang, Xinhui Ruan, Yanjing Du, Dongning Zheng*, Shu Chen*, Haiping Hu*, Scale-tailored localization and its observation in non-Hermitian electrical circuits, Nature Communications 15, 9120 (2024)
4. Haiping Hu*, Topological origin of non-Hermitian skin effect in higher dimensions and uniform spectra, Science Bulletin (2024)
5. Tianyu Li and Haiping Hu*, Floquet non-Abelian topological insulator and multifold bulk-edge correspondence, Nature Communications 14, 6418 (2023)
6. Cui-Xian Guo, Xueliang Wang, Haiping Hu*, and Shu Chen*, Accumulation of scale-free localized states induced by local non-Hermiticity, Physical Review B 107 (13), 134121 (2023), (Editors' Suggestions)
7. Cui-Xian Guo, Shu Chen, Kun Ding, and Haiping Hu*, Exceptional non-Abelian topology in multiband non-Hermitian systems, Physical Review Letters 130 (15), 157201 (2023)
8. Haiping Hu*, Shikang Sun, and Shu Chen, Knot topology of exceptional point and non-Hermitian no-go theorem, Physical Review Research 4 (2), L022064 (2022)
9. Haiping Hu and Erhai Zhao, Knots and Non-Hermitian Bloch Bands, Physical Review Letters 126, 010401 (2021)
10. Haiping Hu and Erhai Zhao, Topological Invariants for Quantum Quench Dynamics from Unitary Evolution, Physical Review Letters 124, 160402 (2020), (Editors' Suggestion)
11. Haiping Hu, Biao Huang, Erhai Zhao, and W.Vincent Liu, Dynamical Singularities of Floquet Higher-Order Topological Insulators, Physical Review Letters 124, 057001 (2020)
12. Haiping Hu, Fan Zhang, and Chuanwei Zhang, Majorana Doublets, Flat Bands, and Dirac Nodes in s-Wave Superfluids, Physical Review Letters 121, 185302 (2018)
13. Haiping Hu, Junpeng Hou, Fan Zhang, and Chuanwei Zhang, Topological Triply Degenerate Points Induced by Spin-Tensor-Momentum Couplings, Physical Review Letters 120, 240401 (2018)
14. Junpeng Hou, Haiping Hu, Kuei Sun, and Chuanwei Zhang, Superfluid-Quasicrystal in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Physical Review Letters 120, 060407 (2018)