- 2017年9月,中国科学院物理研究所,特聘研究员
- 2013年12月至2017年8月,University of Alberta, Canada, 博士后
合作导师:John Beamish - 2013年5月至2013年11月,Pennsylvania State University, US, 博士后
合作导师:Moses Chan院士 - 2006年8月至2013年5月,Pennsylvania State University, US, 博士
导师:Moses Chan院士 - 2002年9月至2006年6月,武汉大学,本科
- 青年科学基金项目(A类)
- 北京市杰出青年科学基金
- 中国科学院“从 0 到 1”原始创新项目
- 基金委面上项目
- 中国科学院引才项目
- 2022年-2024年,中国物理学会应用物理前沿推介委员会委员
- 发现固体4He中存在超流态,并且对其发生机理做了系统性研究。(PRL 114, 165301 (2015); PRL 117, 025301 (2016); PRL 121, 225304 (2018))
- 发现固体4He中的位错线雪崩效应以及由此引起的塑性形变和声学激发。(PRL 121, 055301 (2018))
- 发现固体3He中位错线运动与3He原子核自旋存在相互作用。(PRB 95, 180103 (2017); J. Low Temp. Phys. 205, 263 (2021); J. Low Temp. Phys. 183, 99 (2016))
- 发展了原位实时监测氦同位素杂质浓度的方法。(PR Research 3, 023136 (2021))
- 实现了对于薄膜超导电性的面内应力的静态和动态调控。(PRB 105, 224516 (2022))
- 观察到EuTiO3对于复杂氧化物异质结界面二维电子系统的能带拓扑性质调控效应。(npj Quantum Materials 7, 122 (2022))
- 研制我国首台无液氦稀释制冷机。(Chin. Phys. B 31, 120703 (2022))
- Zhihao Chen, Haoran Wei, Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Construction of a precise measuring probe based on tunnel diode oscillator", Cryogenics, 147, 104036 (2025)
- Mingcheng He, Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Dislocation behavior during plastic deformations and relaxations in
solid 4He", Phys. Rev. B 110, 214111, (2024) - Xiangyan Han, Yuting Zou, Qianling Liu, Zhiyu Wang, Ruirui Niu, Zhuangzhuang Qu, Zhuoxian Li, Chunrui Han, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Baojuan Dong, Zhida Song, Jinhai Mao, Zheng Han*, Zhi Gang Cheng*, Zizhao Gan, Jianming Lu*, "Suppression of symmetry-breaking correlated insulators in a rhombohedral trilayer graphene superlattice", Nat. Commun. 15, 9765 (2024)
- Xiang Guan, Jie Fan, Yong Bo Bian, Zhi Gang Cheng*, Zhong Qing Ji*, "Development and experimental testing of a differential thermal expansion type gas-gap heat switch for dilution refrigerators", J. Low Temp. Phys. doi: 10.1007/s10909-024-03243-6 (2024)
- Xiang Guan, Jie Fan, Yong Bo Bian, Zhi Gang Cheng*, Zhong Qing Ji*, “Experimental study on vibration reduction of a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator system pre-cooled by a GM-cryocooler ”, Cryogenics 142, 103911 (2024)
- Xiang Guan, Jie Fan, Yong-Bo Bian, Zhi-Gang Cheng*, Zhong-Qing Ji*, “An efficient numerical method for modeling silver powder heat exchanger in dilution refrigerator”, Cryogenics 141, 103891 (2024)
- Xiang Guan, Jie Fan, Yong-Bo Bian, Zhi-Gang Cheng, Zhong-Qing Ji*, “Development of 400-uW cryogen-free dilution refrigerators for quantum experiments”, Chin. Phys. B 33, 070701 (2024)
- Haoran Wei#,Shengru Chen#, Yuting Zou, Yuxin Wang, Meng Yang, Qinghua Zhang, Ke Zou, Lin Gu, Kun Jiang, Er-Jia Guo*, Zhi Gang Cheng*, “High-mobility carriers and superconductivity at the SrNbO3-SrTiO3 interface”, Phys. Rev. B 109, 205404 (2024)
- Qiao Jin#, Meng Yang#, Guozhu Song, Nan Zhao, Shengru Chen, Haitao Hong, Ting Cui, Dongke Rong, Qianying Wang, Yiyan Fan, Chen Ge, Can Wang, Jiachang Bi, Yanwei Cao, Liusuo Wu, Shanmin Wang, Kui-Juan Jin*, Zhi-Gang Cheng*, Er-Jia Guo*, “Strong anisotropic order parameters at all-nitride ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 027402 (2024)
- Haoran Wei#, Mengmeng Wu#, Renfei Wang, Mingcheng He, Hiroki Ikegami, Yang Liu*, Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Realizations, Characterizations, and Manipulations of Two-Dimensional Electron Systems Floating above Superfluid Helium Surfaces", Chin. Phys. Lett. 40, 127301 (2023)
- Yuting Zou#, Hyungki Shin#, Haoran Wei, Yiyan Fan, Bruce A. Davidson, Er-Jia Guo, Qihong Chen, Ke Zou*, Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Transport behaviors of topological band conduction in KTaO3's two-dimensional electron gases", npj Quantum Materials 7, 122 (2022)
- Zhongqing Ji, Jie Fan, Jing Dong, Yongbo Bian, Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Development of a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator", Chin. Phys. B 31, 120703 (2022)
- Xiaoshan Xu, Corbyn Mellinger, Zhi Gang Cheng, Xuegang Chen, Xia Hong, "Epitaxial NiCo2O4 film as an emergent spintronic material: Magnetism and transport properties", J. Appl. Phys. 132, 020901 (2022)
- Yuting Zou, Qiao Jin, Yuxin Wang, Kun Jiang, Shanmin Wang, Yangmu Li, Er-Jia Guo, and Zhi Gang Cheng*, "Tuning superconductivity in vanadium nitride films by adjusting strain", Phys. Rev. B 105, 224516 (2022)
- Jie Yuan#, Qihong Chen#, Kun Jiang, Zhongpei Feng, Zefeng Lin, Heshan Yu, Ge He, Jinsong Zhang, Xingyu Jiang, Xu Zhang, Yujun Shi, Yanmin Zhang, Mingyang Qin, Zhi Gang Cheng, Nobumichi Tamura, Yi-feng Yang, Tao Xiang, Jiangping Hu*, Ichiro Takeuchi*, Kui Jin*, Zhongxian Zhao, "Scaling of the strange-metal scattering in unconventional superconductors", Nature 602, 431 (2022)
- Z. G. Cheng*, J. Beamish*, "Shear Modulus and Dislocation Effects in bcc 3He", J. Low Temp. Phys. 205, 263 (2021)
- Z. G. Cheng*, J. Beamish*, "In situ monitoring distribution and migration of 3He in liquid-solid 4He mixtures", Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 023136 (2021)
- J. Chen, Z. Zhou, H. Liu, C. Bian, Y. Zou, Z. Wang, Z. Zhao, K. Wu, H. Yang, C. Shen, Z. G. Cheng, L. Bao*, H.-J. Gao, "One-dimensional weak antilocalization effect in 1T'-MoTe2 nanowires grown by chemical vapor deposition", J. Phys. Condens. Matter 33, 185701 (2021)
- F. Li*, Y. Zou, M. Han, K. Foyevtsova, H. Shin, S. Lee, C. Liu, K Shin, S. D. Albright, R. Sutarto, F. He, B. A. Davidson, F. J. Walker, C. H. Ahn, Y. Zhu, Z. G. Cheng, I. Elfimov, G. A. Sawatzky*, K. Zou*, "Single-crystalline epitaxial TiO film: A metal and superconductor, similar to Ti metal", Science Advances 7 (2), eabd4248 (2021)
- S. Xu, Y. Zou, J. Sun, Z. Liu, X. Yu, J. Gouchi, Y. Uwatoko, Z. G. Cheng*, B. Wang*, J. Cheng*, “Physical properties and pressure-induced superconductivity in the single-crystalline band insulator SnO”, Phys. Rev. B101, 104501 (2020)
- Z. G. Cheng* and J. Beamish* “Mass flow through solid 3He in the bcc phase”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 225304 (2018)
- Z. G. Cheng* and J. Beamish* “Plastic deformation in a quantum solid: Dislocation avalanches and creep in helium”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 055301 (2018)(selected as Editor’s Suggestion).
- Z. G. Cheng and J. Beamish “Defect motion in a quantum solid with spin : hcp 3He”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 180103(R) (2017)
- Z. G. Cheng and J. Beamish “Compression-driven mass flow in bulk solid 4He”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 025301 (2016) (selected as Editor’s Suggestion).
- Z. G. Cheng*, F. Souris, and J. Beamish “Shear modulus and dislocations in bcc solid 3He”, J. Low Temp. Phys. 183, 99 (2016).
- Z. G. Cheng*, J. Beamish, A. D. Fefferman, F. Souris, S. Balibar, and V. Dauvois “Helium mass flow through a solid-superfluid-solid junction”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 165301 (2015).
- Z. G. Cheng, N. Mulders, and M. H. W. Chan* “Heat capacity of solid 4He and 3He-4He mixture grown in aerogel”, Phys. Rev. B 90, 224101 (2014).
- Z. G. Cheng and M. H. W. Chan* “Threefold reduction in thermal conductivity of Vycor glass due to adsorption of liquid 4He”, New J. Phys. 15, 063030 (2013).
- J. T. West, X. Lin, Z. G. Cheng, and M. H. W. Chan “Supersolid behavior in confined geometry”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 185302 (2009).
- X. Lin, A. C. Clark, Z. G. Cheng, and M. H. W. Chan “Heat capacity peak in solid 4He: Effects of disorder and 3He impurities”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 125302 (2009).
- 量子固体中的超流态
- 量子固体中的缺陷运动
- 超流液氦表面的电子态
- 薄膜材料中的电输运性质:超导电性、拓扑能带结构等
- 量子材料的极低温热输运性质
- 量子材料的极低温比热测量
- 无液氦稀释制冷机(最低温8mK,最高磁场14T),低通滤波线路(-100dB@300MHz)
- 低温恒温器:(300K - 250 mK,最高磁场12T)
- 自制小型化无液氦稀释制冷机(最低温75mK)
- 微纳器件加工设备:电子束曝光刻蚀,电子束镀膜,热蒸发镀膜,样品转移装置等
? ? ? 每年拟招收硕博连读研究生或博士生1~2名,欢迎有志于从事极低温量子材料以及氦物理实验的同学与我联系。