2011-2019年先后于美国凯斯西方储备大学(CWRU)和德国莱布尼兹固体与材料研究所(IFW Dresden)从事博士后研究工作;
1. 将微机电加工工艺(MEMS)与电化学沉积手段(ECD)相结合,成功制备了具有高集成密度的微型热电制冷器件(micro-TECs),集成密度高达5500/cm2,并首次系统测量了微型热电制冷器件的长期服役性,和循环稳定性(1千万次以上),所得器件数据为领域内领先,此工作被Nature Electronics杂志选为当期封面文章报道。
2. 利用应力调控自卷曲(strain-engineered self-rolling)的方法,发展了一种制备单晶/非晶(Si/SiOx)、半导体/金属(GaAs/Metal)、无机/有机(GaAs/Polymer)杂化超晶格的方法,并研究了各体系的热学传输特性,发现通过调控超晶格薄膜的界面特性可以很有效地降低材料的热导率。
3. 研究了低维电子体系,如:零维量子点(GaSb/GaAs Type II QDs)、一维纳米线(InAs, Bi2Se3)、二维电子气(GaAs/AlGaAs heterojuction)的电学和热学输运特征。
相关成果发表在Nature Electronics, Joule,Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Mater., iScience, ACS Nano, Nano Letter, Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际学术期刊上。
- 23. R. Sun, et. al., High anisotropy in electrical and thermal conductivity through the design of aerogel-like superlattice (NaOH)0.5NbSe2, Nature Communications (2023) 14:6689
- 22. Y. Jing, et. al, Scalable manufacturing of a durable, tailorable, and recyclable multifunctional woven thermoelectric textile system, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 4334
- 21. N. Chen, Hangtian Zhu,* Guodong Li, Zhen Fan, Xiaofan Zhang, Jiawei Yang, Tianbo Lu, Qiulin Liu, Xiaowei Wu, Yuan Yao, Youguo Shi, Huaizhou Zhao,* Improved figure of merit (z) at low temperatures for superior thermoelectric cooling in Mg3(Bi,Sb)2, Nature Communications (2023) 14:4932
- 20. Q. Dong, et. al., A quasi-one-dimensional bulk thermoelectrics with high performance near room temperature, Science Bulletin 68 (2023) 920–927
- 19. T. Lu, et. al., Synergistically enhanced thermoelectric and mechanical performance of Bi2Te3 via industrial scalable hot extrusion method for cooling and power generation applications, Materials Today Physics 32 (2023) 101035
- 18. Y. Zheng, et. al., Durable, stretchable and washable inorganic-based woven thermoelectric textiles for power generation and solid-state cooling, Energy Environ. Sci., (2022).
- 17. A. Dutt, et. al., Geometric Study of Polymer Embedded Micro Thermoelectric Cooler with Optimized Contact Resistance, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2022, 2101042.
- 16. K. Jia, et. al., Emergence of 1/3 magnetization plateau and successive magnetic transitions in Zintl phase Eu3InAs3. Physical Review Research, 2021, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 3, 043178 (2021).
- 15. J. Guo, et. al., “Doping high-mobility donor–acceptor copolymer semiconductors with an organic salt for high-performance thermoelectric materials”,Adv. Electron. Mater. 2020, 1900945 (2020).
- 14. F. Yang, et. al., Effect of additives and optimized Cyclic voltammetry parameters on the morphology of electrodeposited Tellurium thin film, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 925 (2022) 116872
- 13. Q. Liu, et. al., Highly efficient thermoelectric air conditioner with kilo-Watt capacity realized by ground source heat exchanging system, iScience, 5, 104296, 2022.
- 12. R. Pan, et. al., Diversified Plasmonic Metallic Nanostructures with High Aspect Ratio based on Templated Electrochemical Deposition, J. Micromech. Microeng. 32 (2022) 054002.
- 11. Y. Zheng, et. al., Durable, stretchable and washable inorganic-based woven thermoelectric textiles for power generation and solid-state cooling, Energy Environ. Sci., 2022 15, 2374.
- 10. Q. Liu, et. al., Micro thermoelectric devices: from principles to innovative applications, Chinese Physics B, 2022, 21(4): 047204.
- 9. A. Dutt, et. al., Geometric Study of Polymer Embedded Micro Thermoelectric Cooler with Optimized Contact Resistance, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2022, 2101042.
- 8. J.Yang, et. al., Next-Generation Thermoelectric Cooling Modules Based on High-Performance Mg3(Bi,Sb)2 Material,Joule, 2021, 6, 1-12.
- 7. K. Jia, et. al., Emergence of 1/3 magnetization plateau and successive magnetic transitions in Zintl phase Eu3InAs3. Physical Review Research, 2021, 3, 043178 (2021).
- 6. S. Moradi, et. al., Highly Symmetric and Extremely Compact Multiple Winding Microtubes by a Dry Rolling Mechanism, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 1902048 (2020)
- 5. L. Gao, et. al., High-Pressure Synthesis and Thermal Transport Properties of Polycrystalline BAsx, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 37, No. 6, 066202 (2020)
- 4. V. Barati, et. al., “Thermoelectric characterization platform for electrochemically deposited materials”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2020, 1901288 (2020)
- 3. J. Guo, et. al., “Doping high-mobility donor–acceptor copolymer semiconductors with an organic salt for high-performance thermoelectric materials”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2020, 1900945 (2020)
- 2. E. Song, et. al., “Thickness-Dependent Electronic Transport in Ultrathin, Single Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes”, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2019, 1900232 (2019)
- 1. D. A. Lara Ramos, et. al., “Design Guidelines for Micro-Thermoelectric Devices by Finite Element Analysis”, Adv. Sustainable Syst. 2019, 1800093 (2019)
- G. Li,* J. Garcia Fernandez, D. Lara Ramos, V. Barati, N. Perez, I. Soldatov, H. Reith, G. Schierning, and K. Nielsch, “Integrated micro-thermoelectric coolers with rapid response time and high device reliability”, Nat. Electronics 1, 555 (2018, Cover page) (citation >100次).
- G. Li,* M. Yarali, A. Cocemasov, S. Baunack, D. Nika, V. M. Fomin, S. Singh, F. Zhu, A. Mavrokefalos and O. G. Schmidt, “In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Radial and Planar Si/SiOx Hybrid Nanomembrane Superlattices”, ACS Nano 11, 8215−8222 (2017).
- Q. Liu, F. Wei, G. Li,* Z. Kan, J. Yang, H. Zhu, B. Wang,* H. Zhao,* Highly efficient thermoelectric air conditioner with kilo-Watt capacity realized by ground source heat exchanging system, iScience, 5, 104296 (2022).
- G. Li, D. Liang, Richard L. Qiu and Xuan P. A. Gao, “Measurement of thermal conductivity of individual Bi2Se3 nano-ribbon by self-heating three-omega method”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 043104 (2013).
- G. Li, H. Yin, Q. S. Zhu, H. Sakaki, and C. Jiang, “Short range scattering mechanism of type-II GaSb/GaAs quantum dots on the transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas”, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 043702 (2010).
参与的研究项目:(1)科技部国家重点研发-变革性技术关键科学问题 “基于多重有序结构调控的低温区用高效低成本热电材料与新型器件”(2019.09-2024.08);(2)科技部国家重点研发-变革性技术关键科学问题 “面向宽温域功能器件的连续组分外延薄膜技术与材料” (2021.11-2026.11).