男,1952年9月生于浙江省平湖市,中国科学院物理研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士。曾任中国科学院物理研究所党委书记、学位委员会主任,中国科学院副秘书长兼学部主席团秘书长、院士工作局局长,磁学国家重点实验室主任等。现任中国科学院技术科学部副主任,中国科学院物理研究所学术委员会副主任,中国高技术产业化研究会副理事长,中国物理学会理事,中国电子学会常务理事,中国稀土学会常务理事,磁学国家重点实验室学术委员会主任,中国科学院磁性材料与器件重点实验室学术委员会主任,中国再生资源产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会主任,《Chin. Phys. B》副主编、《物理学报》副主编、《J. Magn. Magn. Mater.》等8个杂志编委等。
- S. L. Zuo, M. Zhang, R. Li, Y. Zhang, L. C. Peng, J. F. Xiong, D. Liu, T. Y. Zhao, F. X. Hu, B. G. Shen, J. R. Sun, In situ observation of magnetic vortex manipulation by external fields in amorphous CeFeB ribbon, Acta Materialia 140 (2017) 465-471.
- D. Liu, T. Y. Zhao, R. Li, M. Zhang, R. X. Shang, J. F. Xiong, J. Zhang, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Micromagnetic simulation of the influence of grain boundary on cerium substituted Nd-Fe-B magnets, AIP Advances 7 (2017) 056201.
- X. Zhao, W. L. Zuo, M. Zhang, D. Liu, J. F. Xiong, R. X. Shang, J. Zhang, T. Y. Zhao, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, The magnetic properties of MMCo5 (MM = Mischmetal) nanoflakes prepared by multistep (three steps) surfactant-assisted ball milling, AIP Advances 7 (2017) 056203.
- R. Li, R. X. Shang, J. F. Xiong, D. Liu, H. Kuang, W. L. Zuo, T. Y. Zhao, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Magnetic properties of (misch metal, Nd)-Fe-B melt-spun magnets, AIP Advances 7 (2017) 056207.
- R. X. Shang, J. F. Xiong, R. Li, W. L. Zuo, J. Zhang, T. Y. Zhao, R. J. Chen, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Structure and properties of sintered MM–Fe–B magnets, AIP Advances 7 (2017) 056215.
- Z. P. Hou, W. J. Ren, B. Ding, G. Z. Xu, Y. Wang, B. Yang, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, E. K. Liu, F. Xu, W. H. Wang, G. H. Wu, X. X. Zhang, B. G. Shen, Z. D. Zhang, Observation of various and spontaneous magnetic Skyrmionic bubbles at room temperature in a frustrated kagome magnet with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, Adv. Mater. 29 (2017) 1701144.
- Y. Liu, F. X. Hu, M. Zhang, J. Wang, F. R. Shen, W. L. Zuo, J. Zhang, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Electric field control of magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B thin films grown onto PMNPT substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110 (2017) 022401.
- M. He, L. C. Peng, Z. Z. Zhu, G. Li, J. W. Cai, J. Q. Li, H. X. Wei, L. Gu, S. G. Wang, T. Y. Zhao, B. G. Shen, Y. Zhang, Realization of zero-field skyrmions with high-density via electromagnetic manipulation in Pt/Co/Ta multilayers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 (2017) 202403.
- X. Q. Zheng, B. G. Shen, The magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in binary R-T (R = Pr, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm; T = Ga, Ni, Co, Cu) intermetallic compounds, Chin. Phys. B 26 (2017) 027501. (Topical Review)
- R. X. Shang, J. F. Xiong, D. Liu, S. L. Zuo, X. Zhao, R. Li, W. L. Zuo, T. Y. Zhao, R. J. Chen, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Influence of misch metal content on microstructure and magnetic properties of R–Fe–B magnets sintered by dual alloy method, Chin. Phys. B 26 (2017) 057502.
- C. R. H. Bahl, K. Navickaite, H. N. Bez, T. Lei, K. Engelbrecht, R. Bj?rk, K. Li, Z. X. Li, J. Shen, W. Dai, J. C. Jia, Y. Y. Wu, Y. Long, F. X. Hu, B. G. Shen, Operational test of bonded magnetocaloric plates, Int. J. Refrigeration 76 (2017) 245-251.
- W. L. Zuo, S. L. Zuo, R. Li, T. Y. Zhao, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, X. F. Zhang, J. P. Liu, B. G. Shen, High performance misch-metal (MM)-Fe-B magnets prepared by melt spinning, J. Alloys Compd. 695 (2017) 1786-1792.
- Zhu-bai Li, Dong-shanWang, Zhi-xin Zhang, Xue-feng Zhang, Feng-xia Hu, Ji-rong Sun, Bao-gen Shen, Gd substitution for Ce in preparing (Ce,Gd)-Fe-B magnets, J. Alloys Compd. 729 (2017) 988-991.
- X. Q. Zheng, Z. Y. Xu, B. Zhang, F. X. Hu, B. G. Shen, The normal and inverse magnetocaloric effect in RCu2 (R=Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 421 (2017) 448-452.
- Z. B. Li, Y. Zhang, B. G. Shen, M. Zhang, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, Overcoming of energy barrier for irreversible magnetizationin nanocomposite magnets, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 422 (2017) 249-254.
- Z. B. Li, L. C. Wang, X. P. Geng, F. X. Hu, J. R. Sun, B. G. Shen, Variation of magnetic properties with mischmetal content in the resource saving magnets of MM-Fe-B ribbons, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 426 (2017) 70-73.
- Z. B. Li, L. L. Zhang, X. F. Zhang, Y. F. Li, Q. Zhao, T. Y. Zhao, B. G. Shen, Tunable Curie temperature around room temperature and magnetocaloric effect in ternary Ce–Fe–B amorphous ribbons, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 015002.
- W. Y. Zhao, Z. Y. Liu, Z. G. Sun, Q. J. Zhang, P. Wei, X. Mu, H. G. Zhou, C. H. Li, S. F. Ma, D. Q. He, P. X. Ji, W. T. Zhu, X. L. Nie, X. L. Su, X. F. Tang, B. G. Shen, X. L. Dong, J. H. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Shi, Superparamagnetic enhancement of thermoelectric performance, Nature 549 (2017) 247-251.
- L. C. Peng, Y. Zhang, W. H. Wang, M. He, L. L. Li, B. Ding, J. Q. Li, Y. Sun, X. G. Zhang, J. W. Cai, S. G. Wang, G. H. Wu, B. G. Shen, Real-Space Observation of Nonvolatile Zero-Field Biskyrmion Lattice Generation in MnNiGa Magnet, Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 7075-7079.
- L. C. Peng, Y. Zhang, M. He, B. Ding, W. H. Wang, H. F. Tian, J. Q. Li, S. G. Wang, J. W. Cai, G. H. Wu, J. P. Liu, M. J. Kramer, B. G. Shen, Generation of high-density biskyrmions by electric current, npj Quantum Materials 2 (2017) 30.
- H. R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Shen, X. X. Guan, Y. Z. Chen, R. C. Yu, N. Pryds, Y. S. Chen, B. G. Shen, J. R. Sun, Magnetic two-dimensional electron gas at the manganite-buffered LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 195167.