2003年吉林大学获理学博士学位,2004-2006年日本国立静冈大学电子工学研究所任COE研究员,2010年美国斯坦福大学任高级访问学者。2006年加入中国科学院物理研究所,历任微加工实验室副主任(2008-2014)和主任(2014-2023),现任物理所研究员。2010年入选中国科学院“杰出技术人才”计划,现任中国真空学会表面与纳米科学专业委员会委员,中国电子学会真空电子学分会委员;担任《Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering》、《Micromachines》、《Nanomanufacturing》和《Surface Science and Technology》等学术期刊国际编委;2008 年获吉林省科技进步奖(一等),2015年获北京市科学技术奖(二等),2017年获中国科学院院所两级公共技术中心优秀集体奖。
1)开展三维纳米制造新原理、新方法及其微纳光电器件应用研究,发展和提出了纳米折纸加工、金属纳米间隙极端加工、原子层组装三维加工、纳米灰度加工、多级次雕刻加工及表面纳米锥无掩膜加工等一系列纳米加工新方法和技术,并在高频光学超材料/超表面(Metamaterials /metasurface)、超高灵敏传感和探测(Sensing /detecting)、高性能场效应和存储(FET/RAM)和高效纳米能源器件等诸多光电器件中得到重要应用。 2)聚焦超构表面微纳光学与技术开展研究,在光学超表面的创新设计、纳米加工和功能集成等方面取得重要进展,提出了折纸超表面、高度梯度超表面和多自由度调控超表面等新型超构表面,在超透镜、近眼显示、结构色成像、超宽带、低损耗、手性及可重构动态调控等超表面微纳光子器件上取得突破。 3)研究成果发表在Nature Nanotech.、Nature Commun.、Sci. Adv. 、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Light: Sci.& Appl.、Nano Today、Small和Laser Photonics Rev.等国际学术期刊上,合作发表文章200余篇,其中封面文章20篇, 并在Adv. Mater.、Small、Adv.Sci.、Mater. Today. Phys. 和Mciromachine上发表纳米制造及其微纳光学器件应用的综述文章5篇,获授权国家发明专利20余项,撰写微加工及应用著作1部。
- Nature communications 2024,15, 9098. "Optical moiré bound states in the continuum"
- Advanced Materials 2024,2313357. “Meta-Attention Network Based Spectral Reconstruction with Snapshot Near-Infrared Metasurface”
- Advanced Science 2024, 11, 2306344. (Review Article) "Reconfigurable Micro/Nano-Optical Devices Based on Phase Transitions: From Materials, Mechanisms to Applications"
- Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2310626. (Inside Front Cover). “Phase Change Materials-Based Bilayer Metasurfaces for Near-Infrared Photonic Routing”
- National Science Review 2023, 10, nward136. "A universal route to efficient non-linear response via Thomson scattering in linear solids"
- eLight 2023, 3, 21. "Dual-band polarized upconversion photoluminescence enhanced by resonant dielectric metasurfaces"
- Laser Photonics Reviews 2023, 17, 2300073. (Inside Front Cover). "Height-Gradiently-Tunable Nanostructure Arrays by Grayscale Assembly Nanofabrication for Ultra-realistic Imaging "
- Laser Photonics Reviews 2023, 17, 2200364. (Back Cover). “Strong and Omnidirectional Light Absorption from Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Using GST Metasurface”
- Nature communications 2022, 13, 7842. "Singel-shot 3D imaging with point cloud projection based on metadevice"
- Science Advances 2022, 8, eabp8073. "Basis function approach for diffractive pattern generation with Dammann vortex metasurfaces"
- Nature communications 2022, 13, 4292. "Active multiband varifocal metalenses based on orbital angular momentum division multiplexing"
- Nature communications 2022, 13, 4111. “Planar chiral metasurfaces with maximal and tunable chiroptical response driven by bound states in the continuum”
- Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2200013. "Polarization-Multiplexed Silicon Metasurfaces for Multi-Channel Visible Light Modulation“
- Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2100689. (Back Cover) "Asymmetrical Chirality in 3D Bended Metasurface"
- Nano Today 2021, 38, 101145. (Front Cover) "Precise tailoring of multiple nanostructures based on atomic layer assembly via versatile soft-templates".
- Nature communications 2021, 12, 1299. "Electromechanically reconfigurable optical nano-kirigami"
- Nano Letters 2021, 21, 1792. "Multidimensional Image and Beam Splitter Based on Hyperbolic Metamaterials"
- Materials Today Physics 2021, 17, 100343. (Review Article) "Plasmonic hybrids of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides and nanoscale metals: Architectures, enhanced optical properties and devices"
- Physical Review Letters 2020, 124, 083901. "Vector Exceptional Points with Strong Superchiral Fields"
- Laser Photonics Reviews 2020, 14, 1900179. (Back Cover) “Rapid Bending Origami in Micro/Nanoscale toward a Versatile 3D Metasurface”
- Nano Letters 2019, 19, 3432. (The Cover) “Spin-Selective Transmission in Chiral Folded Metasurfaces”
- Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1802211. (Frontispiece) Review Article "Folding 2D Structures into 3D Configurations at the Micro/Nanoscale: Principles, Techniques, and Applications”
- Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1901729. “Energy-Tailorable Spin-Selective Multifunctional Metasurfaces with Full Fourier Components”
- Small 2019, 15, 1804177. (Inside Back Cover) Review Article “Sub-5 nm Metal Nanogaps: Physical Properties, Fabrication Methods, and Device Applications”
- Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1706368. “Metasurface Enabled Wide-Angle Fourier Lens”
- Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1606298. (Frontispiece) “High-Quality-Factor Mid-Infrared Toroidal Excitation in Folded 3D Metamaterials”
- Light: Science & Applications 2016, 5, e16096. “Controllable optical activity with non-chiral plasmonic metasurfaces”
- Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 3002. (Inside Back Cover) “Single Grain Boundary Break Junction for Suspended Nanogap Electrodes with Gap-width Down to 1~2 nm by Focused Ion Beam Milling”
- Advanced Functional Materials 2015, 25, 704. (Back Cover) “Simultaneous Control of Light Polarization and Phase Distributions Using Plasmonic Metasurfaces”
- Advanced Functional Materials 2015, 25, 5428. (Inside Back Cover) “High-Performance Broadband Circularly Polarized Beam Deflector by Mirror Effect of Multinanorod Metasurfaces”
- Light: Science & Applications 2015, 4, e308. “Directly patterned substrate-free plasmonic ‘‘nanograter’’ structures with unusual Fano resonances”
- Small 2014, 10, 3933. (Frontispiece). “Wafer-Scale Double-Layer Stacked Au/Al2O3@Au Nanosphere Structure with Tunable Nanospacing for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”
- Nature Nanotechnology 2008, 3, 97. “An all-metallic logic gate based on current-driven domain wall motion”
- Physical Review Letters 2005, 95, 086601. (Cover Story) “Multichannel Ballistic Transport in Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes”
1. 基金委纳米制造重大研究计划集成项目: “跨尺度纳米批量制造原理与方法”。
2. 国家纳米科技重点研发计划项目: “功能纳米结构与理化性质关联跨尺度表征测量及应用验证”课题。
3. 基金委面上项目: “高度连续可调的新型介质超表面”和“三维纳米折叠加工方法及光场调控特性”等。
4. 国家综合极端条件实验装置:“微纳米加工实验平台”建设。
5. 北京科技计划重点项目(前沿新材料技术创新"卡脖子"):"光学超表面器件研制与共性技术”。
在读研究生5名, 拟每年招收研究生2名,欢迎具有物理、材料和微电子领域背景的学生报考。